Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Foul Follow-up

I received the QAR response from Potomac Consolidated TRACON today. Essentially, when the Restricted Area South of Manassas is hot and Dulles is landing north, this creates an operational problem for PCT. As such, they would prefer that no one follow the route we intended to fly, even remaining below the Dulles Class B.

I protested that Class E airspace is for everyone. The sentiment of the QAR representative was that we were better off and that PCT provided us a service that was in our best interest as well. It was further suggested that had we continued into the ADIZ along the intended route, we could have created a workload issue because of the number of point outs needed to IFR aircraft on Dulles final. In turn, that could have made it necessary to stop servicing ADIZ requests. The QAR will be reminding controllers not to issue headings to VFR aircraft, but frankly I was glad that we were given exact instructions.

The good news is that since the FAA will now be acting PIC for any flight into or out of the ADIZ that I make, I am thinking that maybe I don't have to meet currency requirements or carry my license.


John Tabor said...

This goes back to the question of whether you are under ATC control when flying VFR in the ADIZ. AOPA's position is "yes, you are". As such, ATC can and does issue us instructions and we are obligated to follow them.

Bob said...

That is correct, but the Operation Raincheck briefings suggest otherwise. The slippery slope is behind us - the TRACON has expanded operational control beyond the class Bravo.

So we end up with bastard airspace - all of the liability of VFR, none of the freedom.